Drone skyscraper | 432 PARK AVE

Infrastructure Asset Architecture for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Control Center
Instructor : Ali Rahim, Ferda Kolatan, Robert Neyman, Nate Hume
Partner: Hadeel Mohammad, Chengda Zhu
“The Hive” is an infrastructure project that can better meet the emerging demand for incorporating advanced Drone technology into daily life in New York City. The project aims to create a central control terminal that hosts docking and charging stations for personal or commercial drones in the center of Manhattan. The current air-zoning regulations are to be re-shaped in a vertical highway model around a tower. This centrally-controlled model will be more appealing to the legislative sector as it adheres to the concerns about regulating drone traffic. The primary location of the building does not only gather the commercial power of Manhattan, but also stands away from the no-fly-zones set by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration).
The project was nominated to be the Second Prize Winner of eVolo Skyscraper Competition 2016. It was later featured in various agencies including ArchDaily, CNN,  Daily Mail, Designboom, etc.